
Saturday, March 1, 2014

March! Or as it'll be forever known from now on, the Month I started this blog of blogs ;)

If you know me at all, you know that I have far more blogs than any woman should ;)
I start them and I sometimes keep them up...but sometimes I don't, because they're a little too demanding and too long range in scope and well, that's not quite how my mind works.

I like to work on things in spurts. Unlike almost every single one of my college classmates, summer classes were my favorite to take. Lots of work but concentrated work on one or two subjects and then TA DA! you're done :)

Remembering that this is the way I work best - concentrated spurts, rather than prolonged projects - I thought I might try out a format like this.

What spurred this on was the realization that I hadn't been reading a lot of fiction lately. I'd had a series of unfortunate events happen, some tragic, and it put me off reading in general and specifically about anything of a fictional nature. But I love literature and wanted to get back into it. Given my time demands though - I have a very active 2 year old - I couldn't really picture myself getting back into lit with a sizeable novel.

So what to do? Well, how about reading a bunch of short novels/novellas? Try to read as much as possible to get back into the rhythm of things, while also finding out about some new authors (to me)?

And because I like challenges (and am a pretty fast reader according to this recently gone viral Reading Speed Test), I thought it might be fun to try to read one for each day of March.

That's my own challenge then. Read one short novel/novella each day in March and write up a little review of it, alongside any challenges I had with it on the day.

Then in April, I'll pick something else to do: Plays, New Albums, Poems, Photographs, Recipes, whatever I feel like and/or come up with :)

Wish me luck and steadfastness!

P.S. After having decided upon the first month's theme, I found out that it was Women's History Month, so I thought I'd challenge myself by only reading novellas/short novels written by women :)

some of the titles i'll be reading this month - aren't they perty?

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