
Monday, April 3, 2017

A Month of...Portugal

After a long hiatus - about 3 years! - I thought I'd restart this little blog and see what great things I could get into for the space of a month.

Group of Cockerels gathered for their annual family portrait.
I'll be heading to Portugal soon for a short holiday break to see family and do a bit of touristing, so I thought April could be all about (drum roll for those that didn't read the entry title 😀)... Portugal.

But "dear Monthy", you ask - we're tight like that, and you've given me a little nickname 😉 - if you're only going for a week, then how are you going to make this last a whole month??

Well, I thought I'd do all types of Portuguese-y things throughout the month. We'll start off with some (hopefully quirky) places to visit whilst in Portugal, and then read some books, watch some films, eat some food - well, I'll eat some food, you'll all read about it - and whatever else I can come up that's Luso-related.

I hope you'll  join me this month in finding out more about my homeland, aka where all the best pastries live.

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